“Mindfulness isn’t difficult. We just need to remember to do it.” — Sharon Salzberg
Moment to moment
Mindfulness is a transformative self-care practice that originated 2,600 years ago in the Theravada Buddhist tradition. Once you learn the basic techniques, you can use it to enhance your overall physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being — by radically altering the way you relate to the world around you. This ancient practice has modern benefits: not only calmness and emotional balance, but a deeper understanding and acceptance of the “ten thousand joys and ten thousand sorrows” that life inevitably brings.
Moment-to-moment mindfulness helps us notice the ever-changing flow of experience and thus develop an equanimity that can sustain us in difficult times. It paves the way to a more balanced, happier life by teaching us how to:
- “Sit” with difficult emotions and mind states
- Short-circuit rumination (repetitive thinking which can cause anxiety)
- Detach from depressive thought patterns
- Develop a deeper awareness of all aspects of our lived experience
These kinds of psychological changes have physical benefits, too. More than 40 years of clinical research trials have shown mindfulness to be an effective intervention for everything from breast cancer and hypertension to insomnia, eating disorders, chronic pain, and smoking cessation. It has been used with child abuse survivors, prison inmates, veterans, and problem adolescents, among many other groups of people.
Since 1982 I have been blessed to study and practice mindfulness meditation with renowned Buddhist teachers, both lay and monastic, in the U.S. and Asia. It is my honor to share with you this beautifully effective form of training for mind and heart. I offer seminars, workshops, and day-long retreats, mostly on a freewill donation basis.
Please let me know how I can help you learn the skills needed to bring a sense of calm acceptance into every waking moment of your day.
Watch now: “A Glimpse of Buddhism”
Upcoming events, led by Jeanne:
Click HERE for details.
Comments from participants in past mindfulness workshops and classes I have taught:
“I would love to have the opportunity to take another meditation class from this instructor. She is excellent.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent in a well presented, interesting, enjoyable class.”
“Excellent teacher with deep background on her subject.”
“Jeanne was on top of every question and gave her attention to EVERYTHING going on with the demonstrations.”
“This was just a great class, fabulous. Loved Jeanne, the materials, the concepts, everything. A real winner!”
“Potentially life-altering class. Gained so very much from this instructor!!!!!”